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Competence Centre


Public procurement represents about 17% of GDP for Italy, about 14% for EU countries, with an economic impact of 1.8 trillion euro.
These figures the Public Administration as a big consumer, with the concrete ability to influence the market…

This means that, thanks to Green Procurement, the public administration can not only easily take possession of products and services that are characterised by a reduced environmental impact, but also facilitate their rapid diffusion outside the public sector, bringing benefits to the whole population.

Competence Centre

Despite these positive premises, the implementation of the European directives on Green Public Procurement is struggling to get off the ground, especially in the construction sector.

The GPP4Build Competence Centres have been set up to overcome these difficulties by providing support and training on GPP procedures and CAM applied to the construction sector.

Through a network, active both at transnational and national level, the GPP4Build Competence Centres will provide ad hoc consultancy to planners and enterprises that want to participate in sustainable procurement, to Public Administrations that have to write tenders, or to SMEs that decide to start the necessary process to provide their products with the necessary environmental certifications.

The GPP4Build Competence Centres are organisations active in the field of research, education and training related to energy efficiency and sustainability of buildings. They are also characterised by proven experience in product and building certification processes related to energy efficiency and sustainability in buildings.

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